So the other day, this is how it went. Lizzie insisted on wearing her frog footie pajamas for the third day in a row. I'm not talking just wearing at bedtime, I'm talking about wearing them all. day. long. Yeah, she loves those pajamas. In the meantime, YumYum had figured out that the toy bar on the walker makes a perfect teether, both in height, shape, and materials, and was happily nomming away. Bagheera was glaring at the world from on top of a tv, Mojito was curled up snuggling with a huge petticoat, Callista was taking a nap in the baby bouncy seat, and Logan was cuddling with my boots. Admittedly, cuddling with the boots was better than earlier when I caught him snuggling with the toaster (on the counter in the kitchen by the stove). I wish I could have gotten a picture.